Best tablet PCs: 5 top iPad alternatives

Best tablet PCs: 5 top iPad alternatives

Best tablet PCs: 5 top iPad alternatives

The launch of Apple iPad in 2010 gave rise to a new genre of competition, tablet PCs. Now, the market is flooded with a great number of alternatives and you can easily choose one for yourself. The new generation of tablets is powered by the Tegra 2 CPU while TouchPad and PlayBook have revealed completely new operating systems. Apple is almost ready with iPad 3 and a whole new lot of tablets are coming your way with 3D screens and other superlative features. So here we will focus on the Top 5 iPad alternatives that are available in the market today.

1. HTC flyer
New Htc Flyer

Many people will scoff at this as this tablet still requires you to use a stylus. But, once you look at the features, you will understand why it can outshine many others in the tablet category. It is power packed with a 5MP camera, dual speakers and the stylus pen which actually allows the user to write in the margins and highlight important text. The form factor is a bit chunky, though. It is available for $489.99 for the 16GB version.

2. Blackberry playbook

Black berry Play book

The 7 inch playbook is very compact and portable. The tablet supports Flash which enables you to watch videos and surf all the websites. The touchscreen has very high resolution. However, the tab needs a Blackberry phone for full functionality. But, this is hardly a deterrent as the target consumers are business executives who already owns a Blackberry. It is very good at multitasking and has a 5MP rear facing camera.

3. Sony tablet s

New Sony tablet s

The Sony Tablet S is known for its unique wedge shaped design. The design is its main USP. The tablet has a very good responsive touchscreen which makes typing very easy. It has a 3MP rear-facing camera and a 2MP front camera. The screen size is 10.1 inches and it comes in either 16GB or 32GB. Die hard Sony fans will definitely love this tablet.

4. Asus eee pad transformer prime

Asus eee pad transformer prime

Scheduled for a Jan’2012 release in UK, the Prime is a Tegra 3 tablet and touted as the best tablet beside the iPad. It is thinner than any tablet in the market and comes with a keyboard dock that transforms it into a fully fledged Android netbook. The dock has its own battery which increases the total battery life to 17 hours. This is truly amazing and we haven’t mentioned yet how powerful and fast the Prime is.

5. Samsung galaxy tab 10.1

Samsung galaxy tab 10.1

In one word, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is ‘brilliant’. The performance is much superior to any other Honeycomb Tegra 2 tablets in the market today. The tablet is very light and very thin too considering this is a 10.1 inch tab. In fact, it is much thinner than iPad 2. It comes in either 16GB or 32GB. There is a 3MP rear facing camera and a 2mp front facing camera. There are dual speakers around the screen which gives a very good sound effect. And the inbuilt social hub will help you to follow your emails, the IMs’ and Facebook.

About the author: Alia Haley is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of cell phones. These days she is busy in writing an article on iPhone accessories and latest cell phone reviews.

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5 Respones to "Best tablet PCs: 5 top iPad alternatives"

HellBound Bloggers said...
16 December 2011 at 05:04

Now everyone started to launch tablets. I recently encountered one from Lenevo.

AS Punk said...
16 December 2011 at 05:14

omg !!!! itz fuqin' awesome dudes

Akshay Sharon said...
16 December 2011 at 05:25

Great post with awesome infos

HariNarayan said...
20 December 2011 at 05:24

@HellBound Bloggers
Yes , now a days tablets are rarely available

HariNarayan said...
20 December 2011 at 05:40

It's only the list of top 5 , akash tablet comes the next!

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