3 reasons why many people go to blogger rather than word press

blogger vs wp

Friends This is my 100th Post! Thanks for your support! 
"Why many people go to blogger rather than word press ?" This question I hear often from everyone . Now I'm using blogger , but my friends are using the WordPress . I asked them the reason , why they are using WordPress rather than blogger , they said many reasons like
  • Pop up Domination
  • This slide
and many . But they asked me one question " why you use blogger , why not WordPress?"
I can't answer them . Then i thought for long time , then i found three reasons why blogger is better than WordPress ! .  I'm not saying that BLOGGER is better than WORDPRESS , people who use blogger say blogger is best , people who use WordPress say that WordPress is Best . There are many features that blogger can have and WordPress doesn't , there also some features that WordPress have and Blogger Don't have! .

Here are the three reasons why many people go to blogger rather than word press

  1. Free Premium themes
  2. No hosting , but free!
  3. Easy to use
Free  premium themes

WordPress has free themes also but Many Premium Themes are costly so that we should buy it by Paypal . But Blogger doesn't have any Costly premium themes . Why should you spend money for a single template ? , for that you have  1000's of free premium themes in blogger .
Here is a list of Free premium blogger template's sites
Still many sites are there , just search in Google for blogger templates.

No Hosting

We need the web hosting for WordPress , But blogger doesn't need the web hosting . For this also you need to spend money for buying the hosting , there are also free hosting site's but it will automatically gone off . So blogger doesn't have hosting or anything at all!

Easy to use 

You may use File-zilla  or some other software's to change the template of your blog . But it easy in blogger . 

  1. Download the template
  2. go to blogger--->design--->Edit html
  3. Upload your template as " .xml "
  4. That's it your blogger template is changed!
Friends WordPress is also best Blogger is also best . I just mentioned 3 reasons why many people go to blogger rather than word press . Don't  think that I'm the hater of WordPress or the lover of blogger! . 

100th Posts ends now!
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2 Respones to "3 reasons why many people go to blogger rather than word press"

narayanan said...
30 December 2011 at 19:33

Anyway Wordpress is better than Blogger

HariNarayan said...
31 December 2011 at 02:52

@narayananNope , blogger and wordpress botj are better only , except the comment box!

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