Best Facebook Prank

Today am going to post my first article on a Facebook Tricks. Well, you may find a lot of facebook tricks but I would like to update you with one of the best facebook prank. Well, We come across status updates that leave a notice in the end saying that "Updated via Blackberry" or "updated via ipad" and so on. This leaves a kind of strong impression on the reader of that status. By reading this, Anyone can be convinced that you have purchased a ipad,Blackberry,etc. without saying to them that you have purchased such gadgets. 

Now, You can also also update your status without having such a gadget by using this trick.

Like, see below, I do not have an Blackberry but then also my status will show that I have 
updated my status via blackberry.


Well, This trick is performed by an facebook application which is itself developed by the facebook developers, which helps us to update our status using any of the gadgets given below without having those gadgets.......You can Update you status using this trick with the following gadgets:-

BlackBerry,BlackBerry torch,BlackBerry Playbook,iPhone,iPhone 4,iPhone 5,iPad ,ipad 2,iPad 3, Android, Calculator.
Now, Firstly login into your
 Facebook Account.

Now, Select any of the links of your choice with which you want to update your status:-

Now, type anything and click on update status button.


Now, you can check your status by going to your facebook's wall.

So, Update your status and become hero in front of them.

So,I hope you enjoyed my article!!
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